Second, because all room charges are lumped together, you tend to be able to leverage your cash back cards and enjoy any perks that come from them. So compared to a cash advance, this is quite a strong financial alternative. There can be a couple of ways this can be valuable.įirst, for players on Royal Caribbean, their normal 5% fee for room charges in the casino are waved when you are at Prime level or above. But for those who just wish to have a simple way to grab money out of their bank account, this can certainly work.īut the primary means for getting money is probably a room charge, which bills back to the credit card on file. There are ATMs onboard the ship in the casino, and like many casino ATMs the fees there are less than ideal.
It seems like even though many of us gamble on various cruise lines, not all of us know the options available to us, aside from of course bringing your budget onboard as cash at the start. During my most recent cruise on Oasis of the Seas on Royal Caribbean, a player was asking me about getting money and cash advances.